How can we stop the incessant rape cases in Nigeria? Dive in

It's very disheartening to come online everyday to see that there are new rape cases being reported and you would wonder what is really happening. Most of us are aware of the rape of a Uniben Student by the name Vera Uwaila Omozuwa, who lost her life afterwards,the case in Jigawa where a minor, 12 year old girl was raped by 11 men and so many cases of rape which have not been reported for one reason or the other especially because of the emotional trauma and stigma that comes with it.

No one would love his or her daughter to experience such a barbaric inhumane act and its high time we find a lasting solution to this menace!

I see everyone is angered by the current situation. These things have been happening for years now. But what do we do ? We tell stories and shift blames, ultimately creating more awareness which is very good but unproductive. Who told you the rapists don't know all theses things? Who told you the general public and law enforcement agencies don't know these things are happening? We have all known for years now. Don't just point fingers and do nothing, at least let's think of a solution.

The same people that upload status and tweets will forget about this tomorrow, Why?! because its a trend and all we do is follow trend. As long as we are comfortable and they don't directly affect us theses things don't bear much relevance.

Rape is a grave and serious offence, it should never be downplayed or tolerated. As much as we are raving and ranting on social media real change can only be enacted by action.

It's high time we reflect on our immediate society and find out what we have been doing wrongly. Because only then can we effect the positive change we need.

Let's discuss measures the society should take as a unit to stop this menace in our nation. For this I will being pointing out solutions I have thought through and some good solutions suggested from a survey I recently conducted.

1. Community Awareness and sensitisation
Do you know we can rant as much as we want on social media but then the messages may not get to the targeted offenders because they are likely not on these platforms. So what do we do, we should take the awareness of how grave an offence rape is to the community. Teach people on how to go about what they want and not forcing their way. Sensitise them on the implications and consequence they will face when found guilty. I think this will go a long way in changing some people's view on rape. Because its more of a mental problem and we need to correct it before it manifests.

2. Good home training and Sex Education
How many of these rapists were properly raised? Have we ever asked ourselves this question. What if they were never thought to respect women. What if they just think they can get what they want by just forcing their way through. Let's go back to the basics. A rapist has no conscience of sort, it is a premeditated crime that you can't even blame on the devil or whatever their excuse may be. We have to train our children to be good individuals, teach them sex education when they come of the right age, so that they will know these things exist in our society and possibly not contribute to the menace and also know how to protect themselves or stay out of situations that may get them harmed. Doing this will go a long way to reduce drastically the future occurrence of this atrocity.

3. Serious and Exemplary prosecution of those found Guilty
When the issue of Kidnapping was on the increase in Nigeria, it seems that just prosecuting and sending the offenders to prison was not just enough or sending the strong message of how serious of an offence it is , it was changed to death penalty or long prison term depending on the magnitude and position of the offender either as the main kidnapper or a collaborator . Same should be done for rapists, they should face longer prison terms or even more face death sentence. Enough is Enough. When rapists now see that the society is ready to do away with the offenders it will create a huge fear in them and this will at least reduce drastically the rate it which it is being perpetrated.

In conclusion, these solutions may not be all we may need to effect the changes,but am sure it will go a long way to reducing the menace and stopping it's spread.

Below in the comment box, you can add your own opinion on how to stop it?

The solutions enumerated above , do you think it will be effective ?

I must not forget to add that many cases of rape has been on social media and it has been found to be a false accusation. In my own opinion any person that wrongly accuses another of rape they didn't commit should also face the same penalty. This can be well explained in another post, but it's necessary I point it out in this post.

Thanks for reading and don't forget to share.


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