A World Of Technology and Artificial Intelligence

I will start this new beginning for this blog by saying,this is not actually the first post on this blog. My first post was back in 2015. I have archived those posts,that's why you can't see them. Well that's not what am here to tell you. May be I couldn't keep the blog running because I lacked passion for the kind of post I was making then,which was basically news. Now I have discovered great passion I have for tech, programming languages and what one can do with it, especially in our ever changing world.

When you hear the word Tech? What comes to your mind? The first thing that comes to your mind,is your own definition of Tech. Well for me,when I think tech,I think of all the amazing gadgets,airplanes,ships,cars,Smart screens etc basically everything that has been invented to make life more easier is Technology.

Today’s reality would have seemed like science fiction when many of us were growing up, so what’s next?

Smartphones and computers has dramatically changed our lives.

With one tiny device in your hands you can perform so many tasks that would have been deemed impossible some centuries ago. Do you know the most amazing part,it is the future and that future will be driven by Artificial Intelligence.

Artificial Intelligence (AI) are the machines which are programmed and designed in such a way that they act and think like a human. It becomes an important part of our daily life and used in a wide area of day to day services. The introduction of AI brings the idea of the error-free world and slowly introduce in all the sector that reduce human effort and give an accurate and faster result. Flying cars, Intelligent robots,self driving cars,planes,ships,
Speed travels,etc.

“[AI] is going to change the world more than anything in the history of mankind. More than electricity.”— AI oracle and venture capitalist Dr. Kai-Fu Lee, 2018

What does the future hold for AI?
Where is it going to take us?

Well below are some answers to the questions

Transportation : Although it could take a decade or more to perfect them, self driving cars will one day ferry us from place to place.

Manufacturing : AI powered robots work alongside humans to perform a limited range of tasks like assembly and stacking, and predictive analysis.

Healthcare : In the comparatively AI-nascent field of healthcare, diseases are more quickly and accurately diagnosed, drug discovery is sped up and streamlined, virtual nursing assistants monitor patients and big data analysis helps to create a more personalized patient experience.

Education : Textbooks are digitized with the help of AI, early-stage virtual tutors assist human instructors and facial analysis gauges the emotions of students to help determine who’s struggling or bored and better tailor the experience to their individual needs.

Media : Journalism is harnessing AI, too, and will continue to benefit from it. Bloomberg uses Cyborg technology to help make quick sense of complex financial reports.

Customer Service : Last but hardly least, Google is working on an AI assistant that can place human-like calls to make appointments at, say, your neighborhood hair salon. In addition to words, the system understands context and nuance.

I am most interested to see where this will lead us to, I am excited about it, what about you?

And most interestingly am working hard to see that I will be one of those that will bring these changes to our world.
Hope you enjoyed the Post.


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