
Showing posts from April, 2020

Chatbots History and the Turring Test.

Most of us must have heard of chatbots or must have come in contact with one,one way or the other. So basically chatbots are piece of software designed to conduct a conversation or a dialogue. if you want to know more about its definition and how it works, you can read my previous article Here but for this post I will be discussing mainly the history of chatbots and the turring test. A test used to determine if a chatbot can deceive a human being. Lets dive in. Lets Start with the history. In October 1950, Alan Turing proposed an approach for evaluating a computer’s intelligence and famously named his method, The Imitation Game. The premise is that an interrogator talks to two people through a “typewritten” machine (today we would refer to this as instant messaging). The catch is that only one of the conversations is with a real person – the other is with a computer. Turing posited that, by the turn of the century (the year 2000), in a well-controlled experimen

Corona Virus!, This Pandemic if not eliminated soon can change the Culture Of Humanity.

By Moses Egbo What if things never return to normal? Does that mean we are going to define a new way of living? All this mind boggling questions we must ask ourselves and the earlier we find answers to them. The better for us,humans. Today I will be sharing my innermost thoughts about the way Corona Virus has affected humanity and how it will affect our lives if not contained in the nearest future. The coronavirus disease 19 (COVID-19) is a highly transmittable and pathogenic viral infection caused by severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2), which emerged in Wuhan, China and spread around the world. The World Health Organization (WHO) on March 11 declared COVID-19 a pandemic, pointing to thousands of the coronavirus illness in over 110 countries and territories around the world and the sustained risk of further global spread. As of today Corona Virus is almost in every country of the world and measures are being taken to curtail the spread of the

Things to do During the Lockdown

Most Countries,Cities all over the world are currently on lockdown and people are advised to stay indoors because of the pandemic (COVID-19) that has rocked the world. The Virus is very dangerous and contagious. Apart from the health tips on how to avoid getting the virus, the lockdown has been used as a great measure to curtail the spread of the virus. So in this article,I will be sharing how best you can utilise this lockdown and avoid being dormant,getting depressed or bored. So I will be discussing below the measures you can take to make sure you utilise this lockdown effectively. Food As we all know food is one of the basic needs of human beings. So before we start,you can't really do any of the things that follows if you are hungry. So first you need to satisfy hunger by eating. Make sure to buy foodstuffs, fruits,drinks etc and stock up to avoid getting hungry every now and then. Remember ,"A hungry man is an angry man". When you have food,make sure t

CHATBOTS, What is a Chatbot?

I have found Chatbots to be interesting and given that you already know or have a clue of what chatbots are. I will be sharing some chatbots tips and how they work. If you have used AliExpress before and contacted their customer service,your first reply will be from a Chatbot which will refer you to customer service personnel if they can't solve your issue. Now we also have chatbots on whatsapp,for those using Business account the first message you get when you contact them on WhatsApp is from a Chatbot,if you contact your bank Whatsapp number,the first reply is from a Chatbot. So what is a Chatbot? Yeah it's a Program (A.I) that automates human tasks. Chatbots is a piece of software designed to conduct a conversation or dialog. E.g Alexa,Siri etc. How Chatbots work 1.They parse user input 2.Interpret what it means 3.Provide an appropriate response or output. Types of Chatbots Chats bots can be categorised based on how they generate response. 1. Rule Based Mo

A World Of Technology and Artificial Intelligence

I will start this new beginning for this blog by saying,this is not actually the first post on this blog. My first post was back in 2015. I have archived those posts,that's why you can't see them. Well that's not what am here to tell you. May be I couldn't keep the blog running because I lacked passion for the kind of post I was making then,which was basically news. Now I have discovered great passion I have for tech, programming languages and what one can do with it, especially in our ever changing world. When you hear the word Tech? What comes to your mind? The first thing that comes to your mind,is your own definition of Tech. Well for me,when I think tech,I think of all the amazing gadgets,airplanes,ships,cars,Smart screens etc basically everything that has been invented to make life more easier is Technology. Today’s reality would have seemed like science fiction when many of us were growing up, so what’s next? Smartphones and computers has dramaticall