Corona Virus!, This Pandemic if not eliminated soon can change the Culture Of Humanity.

By Moses Egbo

What if things never return to normal? Does that mean we are going to define a new way of living? All this mind boggling questions we must ask ourselves and the earlier we find answers to them. The better for us,humans.

Today I will be sharing my innermost thoughts about the way Corona Virus has affected humanity and how it will affect our lives if not contained in the nearest future.

The coronavirus disease 19 (COVID-19) is a highly transmittable and pathogenic viral infection caused by severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2), which emerged in Wuhan, China and spread around the world. The World Health Organization (WHO) on March 11 declared COVID-19 a pandemic, pointing to thousands of the coronavirus illness in over 110 countries and territories around the world and the sustained risk of further global spread.

As of today Corona Virus is almost in every country of the world and measures are being taken to curtail the spread of the virus.

So what has changed since the virus was declared a pandemic?

What could this mean for humanity?

Where could this take humanity if not contained or eliminated?

All this will be answered as you read along.

Culture in its simplest definition is the people's way of life. It represents the ideas, customs, and social behaviour of a particular people or society. It encompasses the social behavior and norms found in human societies, as well as the knowledge, beliefs, arts, laws, customs, capabilities, and habits of the individuals in these groups.

So let's dive in and see how this virus can affect our culture by answering the questions,I asked above.

First question: What has changed since the virus was declared a global pandemic?

Since the outbreak of the deadly COVID-19 the culture of humanity has been greatly altered. The things we used to do normally on a daily basis was put to halt. Where should I start, let's start from the Lockdown,the lockdown in many countries all over the world meant that schools has been shutdown,people banned from going to religious gathering, Businesses has been shutdown,the economy is affected greatly. We have been separated from our loved family and friends because of the social distancing measure. In the entertainment industry, there are no more concerts,our beloved sports football, basketball,tennis, formula one,etc has all been put to stop because of COVID-19.

This has indeed rocked the culture of humans. In so many countries like Nigeria,the negative aspects of the lockdown is beginning to take effect as criminals, hoodlums has taken to robbing people of their valuables and food. But actually can you blame some of them?

People are really hungry,and believe me hunger can turn a sane man to an animal overnight in the bid to survive he can do anything. In as much as we pray that there be no civil unrest or breakdown because people are really frustrated and hungry staying at home. We must accept this reality and work on schemes or a way forward to prevent any kind of civil unrest.

Second question: What could this mean for humanity?

This is the part I find interesting or rather would I say amazing maybe not so amazing. What this will mean for humanity is that we can actually co-exist with the virus. This will mean that we will have to change our living patterns and ideology to fit in our new world if nothing changes. I will be drawing examples from fiction and nonfiction. The fiction will be from books and movies.

For example during the ancient times,in the time of our great great great ancestors, there were no cars,no phones,no computer,no planes,no technology but they lived happily,survived and created means to make the world a better place. They had a way of living,a system of government basically made of kings,queens and some council of noble men and women. That was the culture back then,that was their pattern of living.

Let me also draw from fiction movies and books. There is a series titled "SEE" it is a movie of where humans all went blind after a war. It meant that all the people in the world then in that movie are blind. Yet they lived like a normal society,they can travel,cook,have families, build homes and do so many things and yet they are all blind. Would you say it's because it's a movie that's why they were able to do those things. No if everyone in the world today are to go blind (God forbid) we will still survive and develop a new pattern of living.

So what am I implying in essence? I am saying if the COVID-19 doesn't get eliminated as soon as possible. It is high time,we define a new pattern, a new culture of living and this would mean doing a lot of things differently. Bet,it will affect our dressing,the way we interact with people,our careers and a lot of things but if that's the only way to survive why won't we do it. We definitely will.

The third and Final question: Where could this take humanity if not contained or eliminated?
It will take us to two possible lifestyle...

1. There will be disaster,Civil unrest,rebelling,the virus killing more and more people. There would be total social disorder.
So this will take us to this part if a new pattern of living is not defined. People will eventually run out of food,get frustrated and tired of staying inside,they will come out to challenge the government,they will rob people of their valuables. The virus will continue spreading at a higher rate due to the unrest. There would be a total social disorder. Did I hear you say the end of the world? Let's hope not. We can definitely avoid it,yes that's why we have brains.

2. We define a new pattern of living to coexist with the virus while efforts are being made to find solutions to eliminate it. The virus will still kill people but it will be minimal since a pattern has been defined to live with it.
So this looks like the solution or maybe a statement of what the solution should look like. I am machine learning programmer and when we want to solve a problem. We start by creating a Solution statement. The solution statement is what guides you in developing your algorithms/patterns/steps to solve the Problem.

So in this option we have to define a new way of living which must be strictly enforced because research has shown that people are slow to adapt to changes especially social changes. We will define a new pattern of living, lifestyles will completely be changed,there will be a lot of do's and dont's ,our clothing may change to wearing protective clothing and masks,our mode of transportation may change,our mode of work will change, a whole lot of thing will be defined in this new pattern. While doing this,the people infected with the virus will be reduced as efforts are made to create a vaccine that will cure the virus and steps taken to avoid it's spread and eventually eliminate the virus. For me this will actually be the best solution.

This is my sincere thoughts in this hard times?

What do you think of this article?

In your own opinion what are the solution to avoid further spread of the virus and a total break down of law and order in the society?

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