Things to do During the Lockdown

Most Countries,Cities all over the world are currently on lockdown and people are advised to stay indoors because of the pandemic (COVID-19) that has rocked the world. The Virus is very dangerous and contagious. Apart from the health tips on how to avoid getting the virus, the lockdown has been used as a great measure to curtail the spread of the virus.

So in this article,I will be sharing how best you can utilise this lockdown and avoid being dormant,getting depressed or bored.

So I will be discussing below the measures you can take to make sure you utilise this lockdown effectively.


As we all know food is one of the basic needs of human beings. So before we start,you can't really do any of the things that follows if you are hungry. So first you need to satisfy hunger by eating. Make sure to buy foodstuffs, fruits,drinks etc and stock up to avoid getting hungry every now and then. Remember ,"A hungry man is an angry man". When you have food,make sure to eat properly.


Well just because we are now in a lockdown doesn't mean we should be dormant and close the door of learning. If you are a student,a teacher, a worker etc no matter what you do. This is the best time to increase your knowledge by taking online courses on the topic of your choice or chosen career, you can also watch YouTube videos to increase and master your crafts. For those that are not the online type. There are tons of books on hard copy and on soft copy. Get one and learn. Another interesting part is that you can learn something completely different from your field or scope of study. You can acquire knowledge about other field. That will be an added bonus to you.


Exercise is an important aspect of physical health and fitness. You should do indoor exercises like yoga,push ups etc. You can also acquire exercise equipments like weights,Cardio equipment,indoor rowing machine etc and use them to keep fit.


There is a saying that "All work and no play... You know the rest. So interestingly I love this one. Because I use games to cool off,solve hard challenges and keep my self happy. So there are many games ranging from offline or physical games like Ludo,Cards,Monopoly and tons of others. There are also Video Games like Play Station,X-box ,PC games etc. Then there are mobile games which are my favourites. With your mobile phone you can play a lot of games when bored and keep yourself busy. There are high ranking games like PES 20,Call of Duty,Adventure games,Puzzles,War games and a ton of them. Just download any one that suites your tastes and keep your self busy and happy when you are less busy or have nothing to do.


Wow nothing can make me skip this,it is the part that should keep you relaxed and you can learn a lot from them. There are tons of movies and series which no one can even finish 10% of the movies worldwide. Luckily you can watch movies through your decoders, downloading from online sources, YouTube,their are apps the offer this too example is Netflix. So also make sure you watch movies,it will help to keep your relaxed and keep your mind away from things currently distracting and disturbing at least for that moment we are watching it.

Keep in touch with People

Make sure to stay connected with people around you both family,friends, colleagues,associates etc. Call them via phone calls,send them texts,chat them up using social media platforms,make video calls etc. This is to let them know you care and even though you may be physically separated from them,you are still with them and always remind them to stay safe and strong that this phase will soon pass.

Practice recommended Health tips

This should be somewhere above,but regardless of where it is in the post,it is an essential measure to take. Make sure you keep to the health guidelines given by certified authorities. Make sure to wash your hands, Sanitise your hands,Cough into your elbow, quarantine yourself from family and friends if you notice you have the symptoms of COVID-19, Maintain Social distancing and a whole lot of others. Do this and you will minimise the risk of getting infected.

Read and Watch News from Reliable sources

Since the outbreak of the pandemic,a lot of false news,rumours has been circulating all over social media platforms. Make sure to confirm these news from reliable sources before reposting and sharing them. This is to eradicate the spread of fake news,which can lead to severe consequences. For example many died due to high intake of Chloroquine because there was a post that claimed it can cure Corona Virus. So make sure you confirm any news before you share or apply what it says.

Earn by participating in freelance Jobs

Yes!!! You can earn during this lockdown period by doing freelance jobs. There are sites where you can render your services and get paid. You can write for people,you can edit videos,you can create websites if you are software engineer. You can start by searching Google. Don't stop the flow of income unless maybe you have more than enough.

Be Optimistic

This won't be the end of the World. The world has experienced outbreaks in centuries past. So be optimistic because this phase is definitely going to pass. Till then stay safe and do the things you can do to avoid being idle.

Hope you enjoyed this Article.

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