CHATBOTS, What is a Chatbot?

I have found Chatbots to be interesting and given that you already know or have a clue of what chatbots are. I will be sharing some chatbots tips and how they work. If you have used AliExpress before and contacted their customer service,your first reply will be from a Chatbot which will refer you to customer service personnel if they can't solve your issue. Now we also have chatbots on whatsapp,for those using Business account the first message you get when you contact them on WhatsApp is from a Chatbot,if you contact your bank Whatsapp number,the first reply is from a Chatbot. So what is a Chatbot? Yeah it's a Program (A.I) that automates human tasks.

Chatbots is a piece of software designed to conduct a conversation or dialog. E.g Alexa,Siri etc.

How Chatbots work
1.They parse user input
2.Interpret what it means
3.Provide an appropriate response or output.

Types of Chatbots
Chats bots can be categorised based on how they generate response.

1. Rule Based Model

The simplest approach is the Rule-based model, where
chatbot responses are entirely predefined and returned to the user according to a
series of rules. This includes decision trees that have a clear set of possible outputs
defined for each step in the dialog.
So here the chatbots already have predefined response for the user.

2. Retrival Based Model. Here chatbot responses are pulled from an
existing corpus of dialogs. Machine learning models, such as statistical NLP models
and sometimes supervised neural networks, are used to interpret the user input and
determine the most fitting response to retrieve. Like rule-based models, retrieval-based models rely on predefined responses, but they have the additional ability to
self-learn and improve their selection of response over time.

3. Generative Chatbots
Finally, generative chatbots are capable of formulating their own original responses
based on user input, rather than relying on existing text. This involves the use of deep
learning, such as LSTM-based seq2seq models, to train the chatbots to be able to
make decisions about what is an appropriate response to return.
While generative models are very flexible and powerful,they are significantly more challenging to implement. Training these chatbots require an abundance of data and it's often unclear what's gets used for their decision making,making them more prone to grammatical errors and nonsensical replies. By contrast,retrieval based models can guarantee the quality of the responses since they are predefined,but they are restricted to languages that exist within the training data.

Thus, chatbots often use a combination of the different models in order to produce
optimal results. For example, a customer support chatbot may use generative models
for creating open-ended small talk with the user, but then are able to retrieve
professional, predefined responses for answering the user’s inquiries regarding the
business or product.

Hope you enjoyed the Post. See you again.


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